Our Services

RM Solutions Group is well experienced to offer your business Technology and Management Consulting. We will understand how your business requirements by being very inquisitive and will help you solve your challenges, challenging the status-quo if needed.

Leveraging the power of a digital business is about reinventing your organization, from the grass roots, which will drive innovation, lead change, and take your buisiness to new heights.


Management Consulting

Our mantra is – People First

Only thing that is permanent is Change

Organizations must be built for change – sometimes changing how you operate. For digital business this means to have new skills, new processes, new products and new ways of working.

In the digital world we operate our businesses with collaboration, scale, and agility. Terminology like SaaS and SOA help us deliver that promise.

Leverage your data with analytics

Changing the basis for making decisions with data and analysis. Harvest the data and act on intelligence and use this to make critical decisions about your clients and consumers.

Challenge the status-quo

Inspire your clients with your vision for how technology enables processes to be done differently leading to an even more efficient operating environment. It is ok to challenge the status-quo even though sometimes it may bring about “disruptions” – no pain, no gain.

If I was to quote Mark Zuckerberg, one of Facebook’s mantra is “The riskiest thing is to take no risks”.

Risk Awareness

As Spiderman once said, “with more power comes more responsibility”. The digital economy creates new areas of risk. Digital businesses come across risks which traditional businesses were never exposed to. Security, privacy, and digital ethics have to be an integral part of the transformation.


Big Data & Visualization

A picture is worth a thousand words

What is Big Data

Today we have increasing amounts of data being generated at devices, social media, transactions systems, customer feedback and more.

This data, Big Data, is becoming a primary business asset for your organization and in order to improve your business you have to look at data in context and draw insights. 

Data analysis

Comments on social media, client and consumer feedback, and sales data are all potential clues to making better decisions, solving business challenges and reacting to market changes. Data insights can help you respond more quickly to competition, supply chain changes, customer demand, and changing market conditions.

Collecting and analyzing data gives you quick insight into developing trends, so you can change your production activity, fine-tune your maintenance schedule, or find less expensive materials. 

Data Visualization

Data is only ones and zeros until you turn it into insights and business impact. Present your analysis/data in a pictorial/graphical format enables you to grasp difficult concepts and identify new patterns. With interactive visualization, you can drill down into charts and graphs for more detail.

It has been proven that the human brain can process information and visualize large amounts of complex data easier using charts and graphs than poring over spreadsheets or reports.

Smarter Decisions/Business Intelligence

Data visualization helps you draw conclusions from large amounts of data in clear and cohesive ways. Monitoring and analyzing data from multiple sources in near real time to enables you to innovate and make the most out of the situation. And it is significantly faster to analyze information in graphical format and address problems or answer questions in a more timely manner.

It enables discovery of emerging trends and give you an edge over the competition.


Cloud Computing

Our Goal – Abstract the Complexity

What is Cloud Computing

Technically, cloud computing is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data rather than a local server/PC. Cloud is just a metaphor for the Internet.

We also refer to this as On-Demand computing, i.e. where computing resources are made available to the user as needed.

What is SaaS

Software as a services or SaaS is becoming the de facto delivery model for most services today. They are based on technologies like Web Services and service oriented architecture (SOA).

Benefits of SaaS include, easier administration, automatic updates, collaboration, and global access.

IT Virtualization

Whether you are running business critical applications supporting 10 or 100’s of users, the cloud provides rapid access to flexible and low cost IT resources.

You don’t need to make large capital expenditure investments, instead, you take the right type and size of computing resources you need to power your IT needs. You can access as many resources as you need, almost instantly, and only pay for what you use.

Cloud Products

All your IT infrastructure and platform needs are available on the cloud, including resources for computing (virtual servers), storage, databases, networking, and telephony and Email Services.

With our goal to abstract the complexity of the people, process, and technology traingle in this environment we will find a fit for purpose solution for your needs, and implement and support it.


Internet of Things

Target – Improve Efficiency

What is IoT

The concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet is IoT or Internet of Things. This includes everything from cell phones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices, and almost anything you can think of.

To keep things in perspective, there is an estimated 26 billion connected devices by 2020.

How does this impact you

IoT allows for virtually endless opportunities and connections to happen, and today, many of which we can’t even fully understand the impact.

It starts with identifying the one process/product line that matters the most to you, then making small changes for big impact. It can be as simple as adding the expiration date to the data set for some of your perishable items to prevent losses in waste. Connect one handheld device to your inventory system and suddenly you’ve got real-time customer service on the sales floor.

Enable the Organization

We can help you build on your existing technology assets, devices, sensors, cloud services and data to create new business value.

With the focus on the right areas of your business that provide quick return. e.g. in your operations we could drive your equipment to deliver better performance visibility – driving toward predictive maintenance and helping reduce downtime.

Support Innovation

Businesses that learn and adapt will continue to thrive. Your business can apply historical data to a new problem by creating a model and using it to successfully predict future behavior or trends.

With the IoT, you can spend less time wondering and more time taking action.

As one of the professors said, “It’s all about the big picture. You don’t just get to stay market leader, you have to become it again and again!”.


Application Development

We want to be an extension of your team

Skilled Team

Today there is a lack of skilled application development resources in the market, compunded with the the lack of expertise available in-house for planning and implementing an IT project. 

With the time-to-market demands, you have a choice to choose us as your partner to meet your challenges.

Understand your business and project needs

Our team is familiar with core business processes and have the ability
to integrate and leverage existing technologies.

We are able to judge the feasibility of your application needs and advice you on the best solution to address your specific needs including the platform best suited for your requirement, the right technology, keeping in mind your current IT environment, business functions.

Broad Technology Expertise

We have a proven track record of working successfully with various types of architectures, integration technologies and infrastructure platforms. And have access to skilled and experienced developers in most all platforms, including iOS, Android, cross platform, and web.

Adapt to your work culture

Our team will work with you for as long as needed, till the time you are sure that you can work smoothly with us. We want you to consider us as a potential team member.

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Stamford, CT


M-F: 9am - 5pm
S-S: Closed

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